Miraj Mubarak! Tomorrow (April 13, 2018) is the Muslim holy day honoring the Prophet Muhammad's night journey. In America, it is often called Lailat al Miraj, …
Religious Tradition
Interfaith Sunday School: Symbols of Faith
The Revised Common Lectionary Readings for this Sunday can be found here. This week's Gospel passage is another story about Jesus' post-resurrection visits to …
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Multifaith Mashup: Gladness and Safety
The Revised Common Lectionary readings for Sunday, April 15, 2018 can be found here. This post focuses on gladness and safety, mentioned in Psalms 4:7-8. 4:7 …
The Golden Rule: Kids Books and Crafts
Today is Golden Rule Day! Since the Golden Rule shows up in all of the world's major faith traditions, it's a great interfaith topic to explore with kids. Here …
Interfaith Sunday School: Breath of Spirit
The Revised Common Lectionary for Sunday, April 8, 2018 can be found here. This post provides Sunday School ideas for lessons/stories based on John …
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Multifaith Mashup: God As Light
The Revised Common Lectionary readings for Sunday, April 8, 2018 can be found here. This post provides ideas for 1 John 1:4-7. We are writing these things so …
Expand Your Easter!
Getting tired of your same-old Easter celebration? Why not try something new? Kids will crack up while playing these shell-breaking games, and you might even …
Get Thee to a Seder!
This Friday, March 30, is quite the auspicious day! We have the full moon, the start of Passover, and Good Friday. So, pick something to …
Goddesses from Down Under
This is the last day of our tribute to Women's History Month. If you missed our previous posts this week, travel way back in time with a bit of lore about some …
Shinto Goddesses
This week, with Women's History Month as our inspiration, we're focusing on goddess in some of the lesser-known indigenous traditions. Yesterday, we featured …