Humans as Storytellers: Implications for Interfaith Education
Ripple Conference: Interfaith and Storytelling, February, 2019, Elon University, Elon, NC.
Embracing the Darkness: Age-Appropriate Narratives, Crafts, and Activities from Around the World
ConNext Summit: Casting a Vision for Progressive Faith Formation, October 2017, Buffalo, MN.
Interfaith Education for Kids: Age-Appropriate Narratives, Crafts, and Activities from World Creation Stories
North American Interfaith Network (NAIN) Conference, August 2017, San Diego, CA.
Interfaith Bible Study for Children and Youth: Sacred Listening by Teaching Peace
North American Interfaith Network (NAIN) Conference, July, 2015, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Ministering for the Earth…Tending the Heart of the Planet: Water Rituals in the Various Faith Traditions
Big I Conference, February, 2015, Burlingame, CA. Blog versions of this talk can be found here: Part I and Part II.