I’ve got spies on the brain. Last week, we took our kids to Washington D.C. for spring break. We visited the International Spy Museum. It was fascinating – fun …
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Religious Literacy and Interfaith Education for Kids
I’ve got spies on the brain. Last week, we took our kids to Washington D.C. for spring break. We visited the International Spy Museum. It was fascinating – fun …
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Pope Francis had another busy week in the news. First, he met President Obama for the first time. They met at the Vatican and exchanged gifts. President Obama …
This Sunday, we move into our new Sunday School unit, which is Peace. The youngest kids will read stories from the Bible, the Jatakas, and the Native American …
Nearly every major world religion has a holiday this week. Here’s a run-down of each one with various ways you might celebrate with your kids. Enjoy! March …
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I spent much of last week immersed in the theory of evolution. This would be unsurprising if I were a science teacher, but I work at a church. We are currently …
Bees are all the rage these days. Over a dozen books have been published about bees and bee-keeping in the last few years. I personally know several beekeepers …
It’s been an interesting week – one of those weeks when you end up thinking about things in unanticipated ways and drawing connections between things that seem …
[Read more...] about Middle School Science, Qur’anic Mosquitoes, and Stink Bugs
I’m pretty sure I’m sensing signs of spring. It’s possible that I have talked myself into it after writing three recent posts about various celebrations of …
Parents regularly say to me, with a somewhat guilty air, “I really should take my kids to church.” It’s possible they’re just throwing that statement out there, …
[Read more...] about Going to Church without Going to Church
For about 20 years of my adult life, I cared not a whit, about the heart. Part of my Ph.D. training was in neuroscience, so I cared almost entirely about the …
[Read more...] about Multifaith Mashup: Matters of the Heart