In a world that often feels disconnected and divided, there are rare individuals who remind us of the boundless power of love and compassion. Mata …
[Read more...] about The Hugging Saint: The Life and Impact of Mata Amritanandamayi
Religious Literacy and Interfaith Education for Kids
In a world that often feels disconnected and divided, there are rare individuals who remind us of the boundless power of love and compassion. Mata …
[Read more...] about The Hugging Saint: The Life and Impact of Mata Amritanandamayi
Happy Mardi Gras, everyone! Or as it's known in some parts of the world, Fat Tuesday. Today is a day of revelry, indulgence, and vibrant celebration before the …
[Read more...] about More Than Just Beads: Unmasking the Global Significance of Mardi Gras
Ramadan, a time of profound spiritual reflection and fasting, holds a special place in the hearts of nearly two billion Muslims around the globe. But how did …
[Read more...] about Ramadan 101: Unveiling the Origins of a Sacred Month
One of this week's lectionary readings (Fifth Sunday in Lent) is the passage in the Gospel of John about one of the Mary's anointing Jesus' feet (John 12:1-8). …
It's a fascinating story that can easily be presented to kids as just that: a miraculous story from another faith tradition. Although the night journey is …
[Read more...] about Interfaith Sunday School: Isra and Miraj
The Sikh religion began in the northwestern Punjab region of India, so you could begin by showing your kids where this region is on a map/globe. You could also …
[Read more...] about It’s Hola Mohalla: Let the Games Begin!
Angels are a great Sunday School topic, mostly because kids have lots to say about them! There are all kinds of angels -- guardian angels, Christmas angels, the …
This upcoming Sunday is Trinity Sunday, and all the lectionary readings offer great cross-faith connections. (For the entire list of lectionary readings for May …
What could be better for kids than a zombie story that comes straight from the Bible?! Ezekiel's vision of dried-up bones coming back to life is a great story …
[Read more...] about Interfaith Sunday School: Skeletons, Skulls, and Breath