“Faith, then, is a quality of human living. At its best it has taken the form of serenity and courage and loyalty and service: a quiet confidence and joy which enable one to feel at home in the universe, and to find meaning in the world and in one’s own life, a meaning that is profound and ultimate, and is stable no matter what may happen to oneself at the level of immediate event.” Wilfred Cantwell Smith, Faith and Belief (1987)

This article was published under the title, “A Bible-Based, Interfaith Sunday School Curriculum” in the September, 2105 edition of The Interfaith Observer.
It offers an overview of how — and why — we created our interfaith/multifaith curriculum for kids. More specifically, it delves into:
- our theology
- our themes
- our use of the Christian Bible, other sacred texts, and story
- how we make the curriculum age-appropriate for kids age 3 through 8th grade