Although my specialty is breaking down the divisions between faith traditions, much can be learned by exploring specific religions or religious holidays with kids. Below, you will find my picks for kids’ books that accurately represent a variety of faith-based practices without being overly-devotional. They are geared for kids age 4-10, so “board books” are not included.
The two most well-known holy days in Hinduism are Holi and Diwali. There are also interesting Hindu deity tales that kids love. This link will take you to my picks for the Hindu traditions. |
The books I’ve chosen for the Buddhist traditions are specifically about religious Buddhism (as opposed to more secular mindfulness, meditation, or kindness books) and can be found here. |
These books are for the major holydays in the Jewish traditions — Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah, Purim, and Passover. There are lots and lots of options, so this represents only a subset of all the amazing books that are available. |
Ramadan/Eid al-Fitr is the most well-known holyday period in the Islamic traditions, but the hajj and girls wearing hijab are also interesting topics that have received attention by publishers, especially recently. These are my selections in those categories. |
There are only a few books about Sikhism, but it is the 5th largest religion in the world. I’m still working on this section and will have picks for you soon! |
Holi image = Pixabay/shekharchopra85, Buddhist Monk mage = Pixabay/Sansin Tipchai, Boy Blowing Shofar image = Pixabay/Ri Butov, Muslim Boy image = Pixabay/Mohammad Zia, Sikh Boy image = Pixbay/Jeevan Singla