If you weren't at the Chanukah Live celebration last night in Asheville, you missed out on a great party -- kosher food, lighting of the menorah, Billy Jonas, …
Need a Message of Sharing and Humility for Kids? Try St. Nicholas!
Most people know that one of the origins of the Santa Claus figure is Saint Nicholas. Fewer people know who St. Nicholas actually was. For non-Orthodox …
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Tips for Interfaith Teachers of Kids
Several years ago, I began creating a Bible-based, interfaith Sunday school curriculum for Jubilee! Community, a progressive Christian church in Asheville, NC. …
Multifaith Mashup: Relics in the World’s Religions
In last week’s blog post, I talked about a Michelangelo sculpture housed in a Roman Cathedral called St. Peter in Chains. What I didn’t mention is that the …
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Horns: Moses, Michelangelo, and the Devil in the Middle Ages
Recently, I was eating lunch with a couple of Zen Buddhist nuns and a few other practitioners. I have NO idea how the topic turned to the devil and horns, but …
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Multifaith Mashup: Circumambulation
Metaphorically-speaking, going around in circles is viewed as less than desirable in the worlds I inhabit. It denotes a lack of progress. A waste of time. An …
Shakin’ my Lulav for Sukkot
Sukkot, the roughly week-long Jewish holiday also known as the Festival of Booths, is coming to a close. Unlike Yom Kippur, which is a solemn holiday that …
Farm Shabbat with a Twelve Tribes Community
I recently discovered the Twelve Tribes, a faith community with about 2,000-3,000 adherents worldwide. Formed a little over 40 years ago, their beliefs …
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Want Interfaith? Try a Greek Orthodox Festival!
Last weekend, my family and I attended our local Greek Festival at Holy Trinity church. It’s a great place to identify everyone in Asheville who claims even the …
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Book Review: Being Both by Susan Katz Miller
Here at Jubilee! Community Church in Asheville, we use a Bible-based interfaith Sunday school curriculum that I’ve been developing over the last several years. …
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