Lots of Christian-related news this week, but we'll start with Purim, the Jewish holiday that commemorates Queen Esther's saving of the Jewish people from the …
Religious Tradition
Prayer: Tibetan Buddhist Style
Buddhism, technically-speaking, is not a religion, thanks to the fact that there is no God. The Buddha never claimed to be a deity, he never advocated praying …
Multifaith Monday 2/23/15
One of the most interesting interfaith happenings from the last week was #Muslims4Lent. The hashtag was started by Muslims who wanted to show support for and …
Interfaith Blog Blast 2/20/15
Happy Friday! Below you will find links to the top 3 blog posts I read this week. All of them are from amazing web sites that regularly post great blogs on …
Helping Kids Connect to the Earth: Pagan Wheel of the Year
This article was first published in the February, 2015 edition of The Interfaith Observer. It explores how we have used the Neo-Pagan Wheel of the Year at …
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Multifaith Monday 2/16/15
As usual, there are several religious holidays this week. From Christianity, we have Shrove/Fat Tuesday and the end of Mardi Gras (which is French for Fat …
Multifaith Mashup: Water Rituals — Reflection and Being
Two water metaphors almost never used in Judeo-Christian traditions show up quite clearly in Eastern philosophies. From the Buddha, we see mental clarity being …
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Multifaith Monday 2/9/15
I'm having a great time in San Francisco! I attended the Big I conference last weekend. I spoke about water rituals, learned a lot about interspirituality, and …
Multifaith Mashup: Water Rituals — Primordial and Cleansing
I’m headed to San Francisco tomorrow for the Big I Conference! The “I” stands for all sorts of things – interfaith, interspiritual, integral and independent – …
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Multifaith Monday 2/2/2015
Yesterday, we celebrated the pagan holiday, Imbolc, which falls halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It marks the first day of spring on …